These Treatments offer the best of both worlds. A cleansed skin and a relaxation massage to alleviate the tension that builds up over time
Our back treatments consist of deep cleansing, exfoliation, balancing of your P.H. with toner, removal of any impurities such as blackheads and pimples, sterilization of the area where extractions were performed and then a mask for your specific skin type is applied. This process is followed by a relaxing massage of approximately 20 minutes.
The physical benefits are as follows:
- Alleviates stress and relieves muscle tension and stiffness
- Improves circulation of blood and lymph fluids
- Strengthens the immune system function
- Enhances the health and nourishment of skin
- Improves the quality of sleep
The mental benefits are as follows:
• Fosters peace of mind and feeling of well-being
• Helps to relieve mental stress
• Reduces levels of anxiety
• Promotes a relaxed state of mental alertness
• Increases awareness of mind to body connection
Our back treatments consist of deep cleansing, exfoliation, balancing of your P.H. with toner, removal of any impurities such as blackheads and pimples, sterilization of the area where extractions were performed and then a mask for your specific skin type is applied. This process is followed by a relaxing massage of approximately 20 minutes.
The physical benefits are as follows:
- Alleviates stress and relieves muscle tension and stiffness
- Improves circulation of blood and lymph fluids
- Strengthens the immune system function
- Enhances the health and nourishment of skin
- Improves the quality of sleep
The mental benefits are as follows:
• Fosters peace of mind and feeling of well-being
• Helps to relieve mental stress
• Reduces levels of anxiety
• Promotes a relaxed state of mental alertness
• Increases awareness of mind to body connection